Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Strange Days

I received an email today directing me to other websites and blog that pointed in a seemingly endless circle - all showing me some similarities to what is currently going on here. It seems that there are some who like to taunt - demand I reveal my identity - while refusing to even read the reason I asked another sect to post theirs in the first place. It seems as if I am not the first person to receive this type of treatment.

Perhaps the same person who demands of me is the same person who demands of other bloggers on other blog sites. Perhaps it is someone alltogether different. Regardless, there is one thing that I wish to make clear.

I am not....and WILL not....go away. Thank you for the emails of support. For those of you who post views of opposition, thank you for expressing your right to Freedom of Speech. I will certainly post mine without fear of retaliation.


Kathy T. said...

I do think you're on the right track... that the only way we can effect positive change here is by speaking up. Personally, I wish I had the courage to post like you do on your site!

Oh, and it's only censorship if the government tries to inhibit or prohibit speech. On your blog, you can and should write your opinions and views.

Good luck!

Big Stink said...


I appreciate your comments. And the statement I was trying to make on your blog was supposed to be that I "don't want to darken YOUR door" .. not that I "don't want you to darken OUR door" lol...I noticed that a little too late after I posted.

Somehow, I have a suspicion that some of these anonymous posters do not even live here in LFE to even realize what is going on.

Again, thank you for your kind post...and thank you for the fantastic blog you maintain!

Kathy T. said...

You know, given that I'm the only one here using my own name and photo, I also want to say that every single time I've talked with one of our men or women in blue, they've been courteous, helpful, and soooo good lookin'. I live in a subdivision very close to LF and actually see patrols here several times a day.

With that said, I also re-emphasize that I defend your right to post opinions and absolutely admire people who speak up. From my own blogging and "public" face, I can guarantee that it's a scary thing to do. In that instance, I can understand why folks post anonymously. When you begin criticizing people who have the power to put you in jail, that's even scarier.

I firmly believe that we need more police officers, better equipment, etc. As stated here and in other places, I also believe the city should set up satellite police stations.

Again, good luck with all this!