I'm willing to try this, as long as we don't get too carried away. I am aware that some folks may not wish to register for this site in order to post or comment, but may want their voice heard. For this reason, I have changed the settings for this blog so that anyone may post.
I do not believe in censorship and I am a firm believer in Freedom of Speech. I would never wish to prevent anyone to lose an avenue to have that right, even if it meant simply having to avoid registering to a site such as this in order to post.
I do, however, ask one thing: I ask that any person or persons puporting to be an official or emplyee of the City of LaVergne in any capacity acting therein in their capacity to register. This is being done in all fairness to those officials and for no other reason. Otherwise, any person could come here and claim to be a city official and make degrading or otherwise damning remarks without any validation as to who they are and futher aggitate the citizens here by some prank. By requiring them to register by associating their screen name with a City of Lavergne email address, it could then be verified that they are who they say they are. (Without doing so I could just see someone trying to play a joke by pretending to be the Chief of Police and stirring up a hornet's nest.)
You need to get sitemeter for your site, trust me on this one. Go to sitemeter.com.
big stink,
since you want others to identify themselves and you claim to have so many qualification, why do you not post your name and resume ?
You have completely missed my point. The point was not that I wanted them to identify themselves to prove that they have qualifications....the whole point was so that no one could come here and POSE to be a city official unsubstanciated. I did not feel that would be fair to city officials nor would it benefit this blog.
you list generic qualifications of yourself in one of your posts and want the police to play scavenger hunt because that will solve crime. so step up identify your credentials and why you should be considered a "source" of knowledge
Again, you miss my point. I can't help it if you are refusing to read what has already been stated. The request is not to prove qualifications - it is to prevent others from being able to claim they are City Officials and make remarks on behalf of the city that others would find offensive. if anything, it was protective of them...not in demand. PLease at least attempt to read what is being written before demanding something a seond time.
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